August 31, 2022 from Corrado Sperone

At kgs, the option for home office is not really new, and is being appreciated by many employees. The concept of "New Work", which is still vague for many companies, is already fully lived at kgs!

However, opportunities for colleagues and management to exchange ideas were always all the more important - a brief update on the state of affairs, an insight into the visions and goals for the times ahead. All these moments came far too short in recent years due to the pandemic.

That's why everyone was especially happy when kgs 2022 announced another "Company Day"! Whereby the term was actually not chosen quite correctly! It should rather be called "People Day", or "Talking Day" or "Play Day" ;)

And the fact that not all activities on this day were about "Company", is probably quite visible from the pictures :)

For all participants a great opportunity to see familiar faces again after a long break, and of course new faces for the first time ;)

There was only disagreement about the highlight of the event: Some considered the BBQ as the highlight, others tended to consider the spontaneously organized table soccer tournament as the crowning moment of the evening!

The best way to get a good impression of the day is to watch the video of the event: CHECK IT OUT NOW