As a SalesDev at kgs, I deal with a wide variety of people every day. Although we are a small team in a comparably small company, or precisely because of this, all employees bear a high level of personal responsibility. This spurs me on every day to be better than the day before, since every success is directly visible and one's own performance does not remain hidden. In addition, I experience the full support of all colleagues every day, which makes me confident and ensures that I feel part of the team.
In my previous jobs, I didn't have much to do with IT, let alone archiving. However, my fear that it would be difficult to learn the ropes turned out to be unfounded thanks to the support of the team and an individual onboarding plan. The original idea of having to be born for the sales field is slowly but surely dissolving. Indeed, at kgs I am shown that sales can be learned and that it is fun to face communication challenges.
The day-to-day work:
In order to cope with the volume of tasks in the best possible way, I have developed a clear structure from the beginning. I use my calendar to plan the day and the week and try to integrate incoming news into my daily routine to stay on top of things.
If special events such as trade shows or webinars take place, follow-up is prioritized over scheduled follow-ups to ensure prospects are contacted in a timely manner. Of course, the CRM system used at kgs is an essential support in planning the work.
As a SalesDev, my primary task is to identify and qualify companies potentially interested in the kgs product and to establish contact with the right people. The exciting part is dealing with different personalities and the fact that both sides leave the meeting enriched. This means that I learn something new at every meeting. The aim of the first contact is to arrange an appointment with one of our key account managers. There are two main aspects to this:
Identifying the demands and requirements of the potential customer and providing key information so that both sides can prepare for the conversation and an initial foundation is laid for the dialogue that follows.
An authentic conversation in which people communicate honestly with each other is an important factor for me at work. If I gain the trust of the person I'm talking to and awaken their interest in and awareness of the added value of kgs products, that's a personal sense of achievement for me. A special attraction for me is the ability to persuade even reserved people to enter into a conversation. The uniqueness of kgs products helps me a lot in this.
In addition to the concrete tasks, I am impressed by the regular exchange between and within our teams. Topics are discussed, decisions are made and measures are implemented quickly - short lines of communication. Every opinion is taken into account, taken seriously and included in the process of finding solutions. In addition, I am given the opportunity to contribute outside of my usual activities in the company, e.g. in the form of this article.
Remote office:
The majority of my work time is spent in my home office. Accordingly, most meetings take place digitally. Contact with potential clients also takes place digitally or by telephone. In principle, working remotely has many advantages, especially if you are a "digital native" like me. Nevertheless, I regularly get the opportunity to engage in a personal exchange with my colleagues on site. That's why I spend a few days on site in Neu-Isenburg at least once a month. I am very grateful for these stays, which the kgs makes possible for me.
My Team:
I am currently doing my job at SalesDev with two other team members. Both have taken a lot of time to quickly introduce me to the tasks and processes as well as to give me insights into their working methods. The marketing team works in parallel with us, with whom we are in close contact and active exchange and who also supported me during onboarding.
After the first few months, I can say that I really enjoy working at kgs. It challenges and encourages me and I learn something new every day. The company's way of thinking is very progressive and I was able to gain a positive impression of the roadmap. This gives me confidence that I am in the right place here in the future. The colleagues are extremely open and helpful. I'm very excited about what's in store for me.