January 3, 2021 from

No day is like the other, which may be mainly due to the work with people, but that's exactly what makes it so appealing to me. A lot of personal responsibility with measurable successes, appreciation and motivated, great colleagues at the same time make the job my perfect job. As I tend to be an early riser, it's relatively easy for me to get out of bed in the morning and often even without an alarm clock. Nevertheless, my morning routine to start the day is important to me. For me, this usually takes place in the kitchen, where I first "clear the decks". Meanwhile, a fixed component and thus routine on the way to the office is also the freshly prepared celery juice. It sounds like it takes some getting used to, but it is! Especially in terms of taste, but it keeps you healthy and fit...


Computer on, let's go
I try to approach a normal working day in a structured way. Unscheduled appointments or requests throw this structure out of kilter from time to time, but they are also a nice change. Flexibility and, above all, prioritisation are therefore an important part of my tasks. I start my day at the computer with a mail check, team check, internal and external correspondence as well as documentation and monitoring in Salesforce, our CRM system. This often has an impact on the week, as new appointments are made. The central cockpit for my work throughout the day is our CRM system. Here I find various dashboards and analyses that enable me to manage my accounts efficiently. Before I tackle my daily to-dos for the accounts for which I am responsible, I usually do a pipeline check, as a good forecast is important for both my planning and that of kgs.

Duty and free skating
In direct customer contact, the focus of my work is on identifying potential, establishing contact, making appointments, advising and selling, negotiating contracts, retaining customers and providing administrative or technical clarification. Often I also take on the role of coordinator between external and internal here.

For me personally, it is always important - and also a bit impressive - to meet companies and contact persons on a personal level. Whether it's taking a shuttle bus across a factory site or meeting clients in a conference room on the 45th floor with a view over the Frankfurt skyline. Personal contact enables me to better pick up on reactions, emotions or even moods in the company. In doing so, I am on the lookout for what fascinates my counterpart. I build on this and together we develop an idea of how to think about document management, especially archiving, in a simpler and less complicated way. Then we work out by when which benefits will result for him or her.  

The New Normal
Currently, this personal contact is almost completely absent. So in Corona Pandemic times, my day is mainly dominated by phone calls, team and Skype meetings and emails, and I look forward to the time when this will change again. At the same time, I observe that there is an increased trend in society towards digitalisation and openness to innovation. For us as software manufacturers, this also has advantages. What makes the market tick, what trends are emerging or how are the requirements of large medium-sized companies and corporations changing; these are questions that occupy me in my daily research anyway. Social networks, blogs/vlogs or communication and further education via new formats such as Clubhouse also determine a classic working day.

My team
Exchange, cohesion, unfortunately not enough personal contact at the moment, etc etc.

No day is like the other, which may be mainly due to the work with people, but that's exactly what makes it so appealing to me. A lot of personal responsibility with measurable successes, appreciation and motivated, great colleagues at the same time make the job my perfect job.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out, but I often look for a sporty balance after work or at least some exercise at the cooker before I end the day comfortably on the couch with Netflix & Chill.