tia® Content Server ArchiveLink and other kgs interfaces receive SAP certification

July 11, 2024

Once again, interfaces from archiving specialist kgs have been certified by the Walldorf-based ERP group SAP. The certificate confirms the technical conformity of the tia® Content Server ArchiveLink and other interfaces with the SAP certification procedures.

Specifically, this involves integration with SAP S/4HANA for the SAP integration scenario S/4-BC-ILM 1.0 and S/4-BC-AL 7.40. The tia® Content Server ILM interface was also re-certified. The SAP test report also confirms the enormous speed at which archiving can be carried out with kgs. The current re-certifications underline kgs' position as a leading specialist for SAP archiving, archive migration and document management in the SAP environment.

Benny Schröder, Head of Development & Delivery, KGS Software GmbH: "Certification by SAP is nothing new for us. Nevertheless, we are always pleased when we are certified again. It should go without saying that products that are offered should also meet the standards of the leading application. Nevertheless, we believe that 'trust is good, control is better'."

The partnership between SAP and kgs has been based on close and trusting cooperation for years. In 2022, the CMIS interface of the tia® Content Server was the first in the world to be officially certified by SAP. This makes the archiving specialist from Neu-Isenburg one of the first recognized providers of future-oriented CMIS technology. You can find more information about the kgs product suite tia® here.

About KGS Software GmbH

KGS Software GmbH, headquartered in Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt am Main, has been the digital archive specialist for top companies worldwide for over 20 years. Data and documents from SAP as well as documents from other leading applications are migrated and archived using high-performance, lean software.

Under the brand "tia®" - the intelligent archive - the archive manufacturer has been uniting all kgs product modules into a common vision of the intelligent document archive since 2020. tia® stands for autonomous archiving, is connectable to any applications, storage solutions and cloud technologies and offers companies the single point of truth (SPoT) for accessing documents. Since 2005, kgs has certified ArchiveLink® and ILM interfaces for SAP worldwide and is a global SAP Value Added Solutions Partner.

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Johanna Zinn

Head of Marketing & SalesDev