Red pencil in: ROI calculation live in the kgs webinar

June 18, 2020

Document management is a powerful cost factor in IT. Although in many cases only audit-proof archiving is required from the enterprise content management system (ECM) used for this purpose, maintenance and servicing costs are incurred. In the free live webinar "Rotstift ansetzen", the archiving experts from KGS will show on July 9, 2020, at 10 a.m., when and why it is worthwhile for medium-sized and large companies to say goodbye to an ECM solution.

According to a recent Bitcom Research study on the digital office, almost all medium-sized companies surveyed consider archiving to be a core task of document management. This means that the view of medium-sized companies is no longer any different from that of large corporations. Nevertheless, many companies cling to their ECM systems and thus burden themselves with superfluous costs for unused functions.

Benjamin Schröder, R&D Manager KGS Software, and Johanna Zinn, Marketing Manager KGS Software, show in the live webinar "Rotstift ansetzen" why companies should take a holistic and forward-looking view of archiving. It will be vividly illustrated why, for example, companies such as 1&1, Döhler or Knauf have replaced their ECM systems with audit-proof archiving systems. In this so-called KGS #funfastfocus webinar, participants also experience a return-on-investment calculation using an anonymized customer example as an example. The approx. 30-minute webinar will conclude with a brief presentation of the KGS archiving solution tia® (the intelligent archive).

Online registration for this live webinar is now open:

Webinar topic: "Putting the red pen to paper".

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Speakers: Benjamin Schröder (R&D), Johanna Zinn (Marketing)

Target group: IT managers of medium-sized and large companies

About KGS Software GmbH

KGS Software GmbH, headquartered in Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt am Main, has been the digital archive specialist for top companies worldwide for over 20 years. Data and documents from SAP as well as documents from other leading applications are migrated and archived using high-performance, lean software.

Under the brand "tia®" - the intelligent archive - the archive manufacturer has been uniting all kgs product modules into a common vision of the intelligent document archive since 2020. tia® stands for autonomous archiving, is connectable to any applications, storage solutions and cloud technologies and offers companies the single point of truth (SPoT) for accessing documents. Since 2005, kgs has certified ArchiveLink® and ILM interfaces for SAP worldwide and is a global SAP Value Added Solutions Partner.

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Johanna Zinn

Head of Marketing & SalesDev